Your society needs you!
Volunteers are the lifeblood of any organisation, including ours. Most of the local indexes available to BAFHS members and the wider public have been produced by volunteers. These indexes also provide a stream of revenue for the Society. There is a band of enthusiastic members presently recording, checking, and keying in data, led by friendly project leaders. More volunteers are always needed whether it is to join our group of transcribers, provide help to visitors at the Research Room, helping to run our BAFHS stall at outside events or help at our own Family History event.
In addition, members are needed to help run the Society, whether that is as a committee member, officer or one of the many other ‘jobs’. Without volunteers, the Society cannot exist. So, help put something back into the Society by helping others using your own experiences and skills. If you have a few hours to spare or have some specific skill which you think may be useful, join with friendly like-minded people and complete the form below. It is all about making new friends. You do not need to live locally as some jobs can be done remotely, so get in touch.