New database: Map Library
July 25, 2024Secondhand books – donations welcome!
August 17, 2024Meetings: in-person, online or hybrid?
We are taking a break from meetings for August but will return refreshed in September!
The first Bristol Group meeting will be on Monday 9th September at BAWA and will be in-person ONLY.
As members will know, since 2020 our meetings have been either online only or “hybrid” – a mix of in-person at BAWA with online access for members at the same time. We have persevered with hybrid meetings as they open access to the largest number of people, but they have proved to be very challenging technically and it has been decided we will cease hybrid meetings until/unless this situation changes.
Therefore, from September, Bristol Group meetings will either be in-person or online, but not both.
Bath Group meetings will continue to be online only.